AG Doll Size Kili Coat From the Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey

Hey everyone!

The title says it all.  I made a doll-size Kili coat.  Kili is a dwarf from the book and movies The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.  I’m a big Tolkien geek.  🙂  This coat is what Kili wears when you see him for the first time in the first movie- The Hobbit: an Unexpected Journey.

Image result for Kili at your service

Credit to whoever owns this picture.

Kili’s on the right.  I made a VERY simplified version of his greyish-blue coat, basically from memory (and using the materials we had).  I love all the celtic designs…

Final Kili Coat 001

Have you ever seen any of The Hobbit or Lord of the Rings movies?   (Bonus points if you’ve read the books!) If so, who are your favorite characters?

❤ , IrishAG

What’s Going On

Don’t freak out.  This is not an “I’m leaving” post.  You would be justified in thinking that, since I haven’t blogged in a month-ish.  I do this blog for fun, so I don’t have a schedule.  I just post when I want to (and have decent material!), so the joy is still in it.

And for some reason WordPress isn’t allowing me to cut and paste pictures, so the Name Game #3 has to be postponed for a bit.

I am working on Crystals and some more future posts, so stay tuned!  🙂

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Thanks for your patience!   😀  And thanks so much for being loyal blog-checkers.

❤ , IrishAG