My November 2016 Trip to AG Place Chicago – By IrishAG


Hey everyone!  This is kind of a Throwback to a November post that I never finished.  Better late then never!   😀

In November, Curiousgeorgefan, my mom and I all went to AGP Chicago.  It was all decorated for Christmas, with greenery and ornaments, as shown above.  I didn’t take too many pictures, because I was focusing on being there.   🙂

12-15-16 024.JPG

Omigosh, this dress!  It was all over the store, and it is just beautiful.  It’s so sparkly!  The muff is super cute.  The doll I thought looked best in it was Truly Me #55, shown below.


Picture from AG wikia


For the first time ever, we went to the restaurant.  It was all decked out and bright.  The waiters were very enthusiastic and friendly.  You could put your doll in a seat to sit with you, or you could borrow a doll.


They gave us cups and saucers for the dolls, which was really fun.  You get to take them home!

12-15-16-035It was very fancy!  There were four courses: cinnamon buns, appetizer plate, entrée, and dessert.  Each course was small, but we were filled up.

12-15-16-036I got the “Bitty Bites”, which was a bunch of tiny food on a plate.  It was delish.

12-15-16-040The dessert was a flowerpot of chocolate mousse, and a vanilla cupcake.

Overall, I’d give the Café a 4.9 out of 5 rating.  The only complaint I have is that you could only be in there for an hour, so it was a little rushed towards the end.


One of the reasons I wanted to go was to see the Girl Ear Piercing station.  It is located where Creative-tees used to be, on the second level.  I think they discontinued the Creative-Tees because of the Signature Studio, which has more options.  The Doll Hospital drop-off was boarded up with red boards with stars on them.  I wonder what will happen there…

12-15-16-045This is the inside.  There wasn’t anyone there at the moment, so I snapped some pics.  On the lower left is the cart that has (I presume) the sanitation and piercing tools.  The dolls are there to stare at you while the deed is done.  (Just kidding!)  🙂

12-15-16-047This is where it all happens, folks.  The chair is hidden from view by the wall that faces “Avenue AG”.

There is my long-overdue tale.

Have you ever gone to an AG Place?

❤ , IrishAG

5 thoughts on “My November 2016 Trip to AG Place Chicago – By IrishAG

      1. Your b-day is New Years Eve too?! That’s so cool! If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? Because if we were the same EXACT age, that’d be so cool! But if you’re not comfortable telling, that’s perfectly fine. 😉 Do you have a blog?


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