Who Looks Best #4 Results

Hey everyone!  🙂

Last week you voted on which doll looked best in the pillowcase dress and flip flops: Addy or Nellie.  The results are now in!

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Addy                                                                                    Nellie

And the winner is…..






Yup, the birthday girl won with 5 votes and Nellie had 2.  Thanks for playing!

❤ , IrishAG


Hey guys!  I know, I couldn’t think of a good title for this one.

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hair askew, she walks at dusk

quiet stepping, dodging corn husks

lively party, can’t go in

secret dancing to violin

climbing quickly up a tree

the setting sun not hard to see

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watching dancers twirl right by

pretty as the painted sky

naming all the herbal dyes

no one sees the hidden spy

5-15-17 044trying to remember her

wondering what she would wear

noting quickly darkening space

scuttling down at hasty pace

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halted by the scent of flowers

mama-longing overpowers

comforted by lovely sight

hearing her name called in the night

running fast to Papa’s arms

sanctuary from all harms.


Another poem-shoot!  I didn’t intend to do this, but the photo shoot I took didn’t have a lot of pictures I wanted to post.  🙂

This was (loosely) based on a part of Changes for Josefina, one of her pre-BeForever books.

❤ , IrishAG

Happy Birthday Addy!

Hello everybody!

Today is the day I chose for my Addy’s birthday!  She’s been at our house for a year now!  🙂

4-15-17 051.JPGMy favorite Addy pic so far.^

To celebrate, we are having a Who Looks Best with your favorite fashion feuders: Addy and Nellie!  They are wearing a purple pillowcase dress I made two days ago, and some retired AG flip flops.  Simply pick your favorite girl in it and comment below by May 17th!

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Will you vote for Addy                                                            or Nellie?

❤ , IrishAG

May the 4th Be With You 2017- Star Wars Inspired Oufit


To celebrate, Julia, (my crazy SW fan) dressed up in a Star Wars inspired outfit.

Can you guess who?




5-4-17 007.JPGIf you guessed Princess Leia Organa/Skywalker/Solo, you’re right!  And Bagpipe99 made BB-8 for me last year, so he tagged along as well.

What is she wearing?

– colonial shift from Felicity’s meet outfit #2 (I think)

– a silver belt of mine

– tutu from Grace’s Sightseeing outfit

– boots from Grace’s meet outfit

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Did you celebrate Star Wars Day?  Do any of your dolls like Star Wars?

❤ , IrishAG