Colonial Nellie – By IrishAG

This is the first photoshoot I ever did!  When everything was green, snow a distant memory…  (Super dramtic, I know.)  🙂

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“I’m going to go out for a walk.”

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Walking through the forest.

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Life’s better in a tree.

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Where is she going?

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In the sculpture garden.

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I was really frustrated with the sun when I was taking this photo, but I ❤ how it turned out!  “Half in sun, half in shadow.” 🙂

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And now for something hideously improper…

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*Gasp* Swinging! :p

I saved the best for last…

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OMIGOSH!!!! She is so sweet! Look at her face!

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I love Nellie in that dress!  In case you’re one of those: ” Omigosh, what is she wearing?” kinds of people, here’s the outfit synopsis:

Dress: Felicity’s 2nd Meet Dress

Cape: Homemade Anna cape

Shoes: From an outfit my Grandma gave Curiousgeorgefan

Who would you like to see a photoshoot of next?

<3, IrishAG

11 thoughts on “Colonial Nellie – By IrishAG

  1. Nellie looks so cute!:) I love her in that dress, she looks great. It seems that she had a ton of fun in your photoshoot.:)

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