Julia’s Last ‘Summer’ Picnic

soda pop 004.JPGHey all!  Can you believe it’s already October 23rd?!?  Crazy!  Anyway…

A little while ago, I wanted  to take some pics using the cooler set, and this is what came out of it!


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One day, Julia decided to take advantage of the beautiful, warm autumn day.  Coconut inspired her by going to her bright orange cooler and making sad, squeaky noises.  Julia was not ready for Summer to be over, so she tried to make a picnic that was as beachy as possible.

soda pop 024“Coconut?!?  Where’d you go?  You’re the one who whined by the cooler and started this whole thing!”  Julia said, a teensy bit worried and a whole lot annoyed.

soda pop 026“This sandwich is too big.  I’ll go get Josefina to have lunch with me!”  Julia said.


“Don’t even think about eating them while I’m gone.  I think I’ll take you with me, you’ve caused a lot of mischief already!”


Hey readers!

So in this post, the picnic blanket was actually a napkin.  That’s what is so fun about doll stuff – you can use small human things for them!

That’s about it… see you later!

❤ , IrishAG

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