New Historical AG Doll!

Hello everybody!

American Girl has revealed their newest historical character: Courtney Moore, a girl from the 80s! Her accessories have various licenced characters on them, including Care Bears and even a Molly doll! Her story is relevant today, with a focus on girls in coding.

Picture credit: american girl’s site

Visit AG’s site to learn more!

What do you think of the latest AG doll?

❤ ,



Hey guys!  I know, I couldn’t think of a good title for this one.

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hair askew, she walks at dusk

quiet stepping, dodging corn husks

lively party, can’t go in

secret dancing to violin

climbing quickly up a tree

the setting sun not hard to see

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watching dancers twirl right by

pretty as the painted sky

naming all the herbal dyes

no one sees the hidden spy

5-15-17 044trying to remember her

wondering what she would wear

noting quickly darkening space

scuttling down at hasty pace

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halted by the scent of flowers

mama-longing overpowers

comforted by lovely sight

hearing her name called in the night

running fast to Papa’s arms

sanctuary from all harms.


Another poem-shoot!  I didn’t intend to do this, but the photo shoot I took didn’t have a lot of pictures I wanted to post.  🙂

This was (loosely) based on a part of Changes for Josefina, one of her pre-BeForever books.

❤ , IrishAG

Julia’s Wishful Thinking


Hi reader!   🙂

I don’t know about you, but I’m already itching for Spring.  It’s my favorite season!  It’s Julia’s favorite, too.  And since it is her birthday month (and she um, kind of wasn’t in the Valentine’s Day post… even though it was her birthday…) she deserved a photo shoot!


She looks like a totally different doll in this pic… isn’t it weird how that happens?  Pro tip:  If you’re considering buying a doll, google it!  Check out lots of pictures of her, and if you still like the look of her from various angles, you know it’s the one.    XD


This reminds me of a cover of an Anne of Green Gables-type book.  I got really lucky  with the weather, the ground was dry and the rain didn’t start until I was done taking photos!





Hello!  🙂


❤   ❤

I just noticed that this shoot had a sort of melancholy feel to it.  Maybe the grey sky helped?  Thoughts?

Julia is wearing Nellie’s Spring party dress, barette and shoes.

Who’s your favorite Historical Character?

❤ , IrishAG

Happy Valentine’s Day 2017

Hey everyone!  Happy heart day!  I hope your day is full of family, fun and treats!

To celebrate, I dressed up some of the dolls as… (guess!)











Have you guessed yet?









Brynn, Noa and Elana from AG Life!  (Saige as Brynn, Elizabeth the 1st as Noa, and Josefina as Elana.)  In a recent episode, they made popcorn.  And we had 4 doll popcorns from the Lea movie event, so it was perfect!

Grace Thomas, being the baker that she is, had to get in on the fun, too!  She made tarts for Valentine’s day.3-17-16 010.JPGHere’s a shot from “her kitchen”.   🙂


How did you celebrate Valentine’s day?

❤  ❤  ❤  ,


Festive Fun – By IrishAG

 It was the day after Christmas in Williamsburg.

Felicity Merriman had celebrated with her family the day before, and since she was old enough, was allowed to stay up later than her little siblings: Nan, William and Polly.  Which was why she was still asleep when Rose came to help her dress.

“Miss Felicity?  Sorry to wake you child, but it’s time.”


Felicity groaned as she sat up, tossing the sheets off.  “Good morning, Rose,” she said, slightly slurred.

Rose chuckled.  “Good morning, yourself.  If you don’t come on out of that bed, I’m going to have to tell your parents that you have to go to bed with your siblings next year.”

That woke Felicity up.  Rose had gotten out Felicity’s favorite lavender and white striped dress for her to wear today.

12-26-16-013Felicity hated the feeling of being stuck in her dress before it was properly put on, with her arms glued to her sides.

12-26-16-014As soon as the dress was laced on, Rose excused herself to go help Mrs. Merriman.  Felicity turned the other way, and-

12-26-16-015  “AAAaaaahhh!”  she screamed, at feeling a hand on her back.

She heard giggles that were surprisingly familiar behind her.  She whirled around.

12-26-16-016“Elizabeth!!!”  Felicity scolded her best friend, “You frightened me!”

Contrary to her tone of voice, Felicity crushed Elizabeth in a hug.

“That was the idea,” said Elizabeth, muffled by Felicity’s hair, “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas to you, too.” replied Felicity, stepping away, “You must have included Rose in this surprise, too.  You came in when she left, didn’t you?”

Elizabeth’s twinkly eyes gave it all away.12-26-16-017

“And here’s your present.  I’m sorry it isn’t wrapped,” said Elizabeth.

Felicity gasped. “It matches your dress!”

“I’ll help you put it on.” promised Elizabeth.


A few minutes later, Felicity modeled for Elizabeth.


“Yes, I look just like you.  If you had red hair and green eyes,” said Felicity dryly, making Elizabeth laugh.


“Here’s your gift.  It’s not wrapped, either.”  Felicity continued, revealing a sugar bowl.

“I love it!  I’ll bring it to lessons with Miss Manderly,” said Elizabeth.

12-26-16-035“We can wear our dresses, too!” said Felicity, getting excited, “That will make lessons more fun.”

Elizabeth dropped a proper curtsy, and Felicity did the same, grinning.

“Where are the merriest girls in Virginia?”  Mr. Merriman called up the steps, “Breakfast is served.”

“He’s part of this too?”  Felicity asked, amazed at her friend’s sneakiness.

“Perhaps,” said Elizabeth, linking arms with Felicity, “But first things first.  I’ve been listening to your stomach gurgle for a while now, let’s have breakfast!”

The girls smiled all the way to the dining room.


Hey guys!  Two posts in one day!  🙂

December was just a whirlwind, am I right?  Decorations, parties, baking,…


Eating chocolate covered peppermint oreos, painting nails sparkly,…

Anyway, how was your Christmas?  Did you travel or stay home?  Play in the snow?

I hope you all had the best Christmas EVER, and that the new year brings lots of good things!  😀

❤ , IrishAG

Nellie at Dusk – A Collab Photo Shoot

Howdy everyone!  Happy October!

A few days ago, I was doing a photo shoot with Nellie.  Gymnast03 was outside too, and was willing to take some photos with me!  XD


The shirt is from Melody’s debut event, which I’ll make a post about soon!




  Everything’s starting to turn brown…





She has such a gentle face.  🙂

Now for Gymnast03’s pics:


Cool blurry look.


Now I challenge you: find a friend, sister, cousin, parent, etc. and take a photo shoot with them!  It’s especially helpful if you’re out of ideas for photos.  🙂  If you do it, I’d love to see!  Just comment a link to your blog post.

Do you like Fall?

❤ , IrishAG

Forest Elf: a Photo Shoot

Happy September readers!  Two posts in two days!  I’m on a roll.  🙂

I’ve never taken a photo shoot of Elizabeth the 2nd!  So here it is.  She kinda looks like an elf, hence the title.  I made the cape, my Mom and Bagpipe99 made the dress, and the shoes are from AG.

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In the tree…  I love waterfall braids!

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Her hair is so blonde.

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This is probably my favorite pic from this photo shoot.  It just happened, this is not edited.

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I was really not inspired for commentary today.  Sorry.  Maybe the pictures speak for themselves?

If you could make up a story with one or more of these pictures, what would it be about?

❤ , IrishAG

Who Looks Best #2 Results – By IrishAG

Hello everyone!

Today we have the results for the Who Looks Best!  Addy and Nellie both modeled Elizabeth’s Meet Dress, and you commented which one you thought looked best.





























(All these pretty colors!  But I bet you want to see the winner!  😀  )


(If you scrolled through all that, you’re a trooper!)

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Addy                                                          or                            Nellie?


The result is…


Yep, Addy and Nellie each got 5 points.  I don’t know which one I like better, either!  🙂

Thanks for being involved!  I got 3 more votes than last time!



Felicity’s Double Waterfall Braid Hairstyle – By IrishAG

Hello readers!

Today I’ll be showing you how to do Felicity’s hairstyle from   .  All you need is:

  • a squirt bottle full of water
  • a doll hairbrush
  • a ponytail holder

1. As usual, brush and mist your doll’s hair until it’s smooth.  Then take two small sections from high on the right side of your doll’s head.  Twist them together once.

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2. Then, take a small section of hair from above the twist and lay it between the twisted sections.

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3. Twist the sections over each other again, securing the small section.  Twist again.

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4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 twice more, then tie the braid off with the ponytail holder.

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5. Now take two small sections from below the braid.  Twist them together, and do the same braid as you did before, only this time, use the small sections that are through the first braid instead of using new ones.


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6. Tie off the two braids with the ponytail holder, and repeat the braids on the left side of your doll’s head.

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You’re done!  This braid is fabulous for formal or casual affairs.  She really looks like Tauriel!  🙂  Which doll do you think would look best in this braid?

❤ , IrishAG

Coloring Pages By IrishAG

I made some coloring pages for you guys!  I’m not going to post them all at once, so check back sometimes to see new ones!  Please don’t post on your blog that you drew it or anything.  Printing them out for personal use is fine, so is putting them on your blog and having a link back to my site.  🙂

Truly Me:



