American Girl’s NEW Holiday Product!

This is so cool!

Sugar Plum Fairy Doll
Credit:AG’s website

American Girl has partnered with Swarovski crystals and made a new Holiday set- Nutrcracker-themed! There are costumes, an ornament, and even a limited edition Sugar Plum Fairy doll!

Check them out here:

What do you think about AG’s new offer?

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New Historical AG Doll!

Hello everybody!

American Girl has revealed their newest historical character: Courtney Moore, a girl from the 80s! Her accessories have various licenced characters on them, including Care Bears and even a Molly doll! Her story is relevant today, with a focus on girls in coding.

Picture credit: american girl’s site

Visit AG’s site to learn more!

What do you think of the latest AG doll?

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Need an AG Book Fix?


This is so sweet- American Girl is offering free downloads of some of their books on their website!  The characters have been through tough times in American history, too.

It looks like they have Beforever and mystery books, plus more each week!

What will you read next?

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Today at Irish AG Dolls, we’re celebrating 100 followers!  Over the 5 years this blog has been around, we’ve gotten so much love from the doll community.  Here’s to fun and friendship!

More Crystals posts are coming soon.


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My New Doll Storage!

Hello cyber-world!

If you’re like me, and have more than three dolls in your house, you probably have run into a problem: storage.  AG dolls are large and semi delicate, so they pose a bigger problem than most toys.  We’ve tried many  unsatisfactory, temporary solutions at my house, but I think this one is a keeper!

8-23-17 018

(Sorry for the bad pic, it’s dark in that room.)

A three shelved wardrobe!  You could fit even more dolls if they were standing, but sitting is their safest position, I think.  There is a drawer at the bottom, where I’m keeping my latest purchases and special items that need space.

You might notice that 3 of our dolls are missing.  Elizabeth the 2nd, Grace Thomas, and Kirsten are Curiousgeorgefan’s dolls, and she has them in her wardrobe.

How do you store your dolls?

❤ , IrishAG



Nanea Mitchell Release Date!

On AG’s website, they have posted the dates for the Nanea debut events!  They will be on August 25-27, 2017, from 9am to 1pm.  You can dress up in a Hawaiian theme, and there will be a Nanea doll drawing!  There will also be a free craft, and a doll drawstring bag giveaway(while supplies last).

It sounds like fun!

Will you be going to Nanea’s debut?

❤ , IrishAG


AGP NY News!

Hey everyone!

Remember when there was the article about AG Place in New York making “the store of the future” with spa services for dolls and girls, as well as many other services and upgrades?  They said they were going to move the store.  On, in the store section, it said that the New York store was moving to Rockefeller Plaza in November!

I wonder if they will upgrade the store when they move it?  Or wait a little?

What are your thoughts?

❤ , IrishAG

TONS of Doll Reveals!

More Characters to Love

Picture from AG’s website.

AG has released pictures of 5 new dolls: Nanea Mitchell (1940s Hawaiian girl-yay!!!), Tenney Grant, Logan Everett, Felicity Merriman (back from the archives!) and Z (from Z Crew stopmotions.)  OMIGOSH!!!!!!!!!!   XD   XD

I most excited for Felicity and Nanea.  What are your thoughts?

❤ , IrishAG

Tenney, Logan and Felicity Release!!!

Tenney Doll & Book Logan DollFelicity Doll, Book & Accessories

All pictures in this post are from AG’s website.

Yep, you read that title correctly!  Today not one, not two, but three American Girl dolls were released.  Contemporary characters Tenney and Logan, musically talented bandmates from Nashville, and Felicity Merriman, a Colonial girl living in WIlliamsburg at the time of the American Revolution.  (Pictured left to right.)

Out of them all, Felicity is my favorite.  Gymnast03 got Felicity before she retired years ago, but I’m glad Felicity’s coming back!!!  Her stories are the best, and she’s such an awesome character.


I especially like her hat, I have one exactly like it!

You can buy the dolls and their collections online at

❤ , IrishAG